Welcome to the first blog post
Hi, my name is Kinn. I'm a student and cybersecurity specialist studying at U.C. Berkeley. I wrote this site as an introduction to those who want to get to know me and want to follow what I do. Here, I will be posting new projects, updates to old projects, events I'm taking part in, as well as accomplishments. I don't want it to be too serious, it's my own site so I can be as rigid or relaxed as I like. For a high-level overview of who I am and some of what I've done, I encourage you to visit the home page and read that, but if you can't be bothered, I don't blame you.
Some things I've done recently
- Wrote this site from scratch, backend to frontend, in Rust (actix-web) and node.js (tailwindcss).
- Wrote a file-manager called fast-files.
- Got my CompTIA Security+ certification.
- Competed in the National Cyber League, placing in the top percentile in both teams and individual competitions.
- Competed in Cerberal Valley's National Security Hackathon, where I wrote senti.net, an open-source intelligence and sentiment aggregator.
- Some other miscellaneous competitions, too.
I began building this site/project as another Rust project, but really writing the backend in Rust using Actix-web was the easy part. It was a struggle to get the creative juices flowing to write the frontend but at the end of the day I think its a job well-done. I'm always taking feedback, so if you think something should be changed, be it a UI design choice which doesn't make sense, or a simple typo here or there, please let me know via the contact page. I don't know everything and I don't claim to, so I'm always looking to learn from others.
As of this article, I am looking for internship opportunities related to cybersecurity. If you are someone or know someone who is hiring someone with my skillset (as shown through some of my achievements), I would like to direct you to my contact page. I'm a big "learning-by-doing" guy, so the sooner I can do that the better.
That's all I have to say for now, if you stumbled upon this site via twitter, linkedin, or somewhere else (i.e. I didn't send it to you directly), let me know! I'm always interested to see the reach of the things I make.
I'd like to end with a short list of things I'm planning on doing in the near-future, things that will likely warrant a blog post of their own.
What's to come
- Hashcrab, a Rust-based hashcracking tool developed by myself and my friends at Berke1337.
- Getting CompTIA Network+ certified.
- Starting a student-run class to teach Rust at U.C. Berkeley (and maybe applying to get it funded by the Rust Foundation, if you have connections please let me know).
Thanks for reading, see you again soon.