is now live!

The website has launched, this is cause for celebration.
Last updated: 07/06/2024
By: Kinn
Tags: [Announcement]

Welcome to the first blog post

Hi, my name is Kinn. I'm a student and cybersecurity specialist studying at U.C. Berkeley. I wrote this site as an introduction to those who want to get to know me and want to follow what I do. Here, I will be posting new projects, updates to old projects, events I'm taking part in, as well as accomplishments. I don't want it to be too serious, it's my own site so I can be as rigid or relaxed as I like. For a high-level overview of who I am and some of what I've done, I encourage you to visit the home page and read that, but if you can't be bothered, I don't blame you.

Some things I've done recently

I began building this site/project as another Rust project, but really writing the backend in Rust using Actix-web was the easy part. It was a struggle to get the creative juices flowing to write the frontend but at the end of the day I think its a job well-done. I'm always taking feedback, so if you think something should be changed, be it a UI design choice which doesn't make sense, or a simple typo here or there, please let me know via the contact page. I don't know everything and I don't claim to, so I'm always looking to learn from others.

As of this article, I am looking for internship opportunities related to cybersecurity. If you are someone or know someone who is hiring someone with my skillset (as shown through some of my achievements), I would like to direct you to my contact page. I'm a big "learning-by-doing" guy, so the sooner I can do that the better.

That's all I have to say for now, if you stumbled upon this site via twitter, linkedin, or somewhere else (i.e. I didn't send it to you directly), let me know! I'm always interested to see the reach of the things I make.

I'd like to end with a short list of things I'm planning on doing in the near-future, things that will likely warrant a blog post of their own.

What's to come

Thanks for reading, see you again soon.